The most important advantages of modern micro-irrigation, both drip and rainfed, are the delivery of fertilizers to the plants step by step, monthly or weekly, and their distribution on roots equally.

This process prevents losing the fertilizers by deep foliage into the soil and fully utilizes it for the plant. As a result, the quality of the crop and the harvest increases and the environment does not get damage.

By the same methods it is possible to adjust the acidity of the soil root system temporarily to increase the process of fertilization.

Fertilizers can be distributed by drip irrigation system using water-soluble fertilizers. High water-soluble fertilizers are often used in drip irrigation systems. However, their prices are so high that most farms are forced to abandon their use, despite the fact that fertilizer mixers are installed in a drip irrigation system.

Proagro LLC designs, manufactures and installs fertilizer mixers that can deliver low water-soluble mono-fertilizers in drip, pivot and sprinkler irrigation systems. This gives farmers a significant cost-cutting – equal to the value of their direct input of fertilizers.

During developing these systems, Proagro uses the expertise of our partners, Spanish, Italian, and American agronomic companies and soil monitoring techniques in collaboration with AGQ Lab.